Wake up, wake up, wake up it’s the first of the monthhh 🎤🎶
Today is September 1st. We’re officially welcoming all things sweet, all things satisfying, and all things successful!
I’m a firm believer in words holding major power.
The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.-Proverbs 18:21
As I enter the month of September, my mind is consumed with endless possibilities of leveling up. I’m constantly asking myself, “How can I put myself in position to achieve my current goals?”
The proper word for this mental processing is called manifesting.
Worldly Manifesting: the act of making something happen by imagining it and consciously thinking that it will happen.
Spiritually Manifesting: to make openly known
I don’t know about you but I prefer the spiritual route. Come walk with me down “Learning how to Manifest Lane”. I’ll be leaving biblical references for clarity along the way.
Manifesting is a double lane road.
While both lanes for manifesting are equally important, it’s crucial to focus on each lane separately. Let’s look at the left lane first.
Manifesting with the Left Lane
The left lane is all about words. In this lane we make our request known by asking in prayer, believing that we have already received it (Mark 11:24). Left lane is the fun lane ladies (and gentlemen if there’s any here)! Asking is where you make your request known openly. QOTD to get you started ⬇️
What do you want God to do in your life?
The main principle here is speaking out in confidence as you petition to God for your plans. (Philippians 4:6). We don’t shy talk over here! To stand on business behind this sentence I’m going to share my current left lane request.
Left Lane Request: God, make Chats with Candice my full time job!
You see my left lane request? I’m keeping it very simple, very mindful, and very to the point for the sake of the chat. Prayers are personal. What’s spoken in private, gets rewarded in public (Matthew 6:6).
God loves hearing from us. When it’s just you and God make sure you’re going into details as you speak. Be specific, add things to your prayer request like:
Exact dates
Specific dollar amounts
Particular names
Certain City & States
Add some razzle dazzle to your prayers! This is your dream you’re about to bring to life!
…Next up the right lane
Manifesting with the Right Lane
The right lane is all about actions.
Take the risk or lose the chance!
The right lane is where most people abandon the manifesting path. In this lane, we discover if we meant what we said in the left lane. It’s time to put in the effort to earn your reward. The right lane is where your perseverance is developed. (Aka not for the weak.) No pain, No gain. Faith?! it’s your turn to relax and watch “work” do what it does… because we all know faith without works is dead (James 2:26)!
Too much left lane with no right lane access invites in idleness.
Idleness-a state of inaction; inactivity. Laziness
Idleness causes your plans to come to a pause. At this present time, you may be thinking…
Candice, so how do I keep my plans active?
My friend, Im glad you asked! We partner with faith to keep our belief alive & active by putting actions beside our words. Now we’re entering receiving position guys, stay with me!
The final step to putting ourselves in position to receive what we’re manifesting is: doing something that syncs us to the left lane request.
Since my left lane request is already on display I’m going to use mine for an example.
Left Lane Request: God, make Chats with Candice my full time job!
Right Lane Action: Setup paid subscriptions for Chat’s with Candice
The right lane is now parallel to the left lane. We are finally in position to receive!
When speaking of receiving, I can’t forget mentioning giving comes first (Act 20:35)!
Receiving is a reciprocal act.
Reciprocal-given, felt, or done in return.
If you want to get, you have to give. That’s law. God’s law to be exact (Luke 6:38).
To show I’m practicing what I’m preaching, I will be picking one Subby bestie on September 29th to buy an annual subscription to their Substack!
»»»Incoming comment button to help me walk it like I talk it!
Like this post, restack & comment your left lane request and right lane action you’re manifesting for a chance at Chats with Candice becoming an annual paid subscriber to your Substack!
And now for our closing remarks!
Today’s chat was sweet & satisfying. I appreciate you attending this mini lesson on manifesting. Once we begin implementing the words presented here we’ll all be very successful! I declare and decree September a month of congratulations for you. Whatever you’re asking God to do for you is already done! How does it feel to be walking in alignment with God’s will?!
It’s giving chin up buttercup because you’re a very blessed girl! (Or guy) If you need extra encouragement waiting on God to show up and show out this month…listen to the video below!
“Put Yourself in Position” is a preview of what you’ll receive when upgrading to a paid subscription at Chats with Candice! Upgrading to paid will give you more simple tips and techniques, words of encouragement and support, & companionship to keep you accountable while accomplishing your life goals. If you’re feeling a little froggy on your manifesting journey then jump over to the upgraded subscription and…
Chat Soon,
Left lane request: God, help me on this road to becoming a freelance writer.
Right lane action: Write! Write! Write! Begin with one weekly newsletter and practicing writing essays.
This was so on time! God had a chat with me this morning about laziness!! Thank you for words of encouragement and confirmation on what God was speaking to me! 🙏🏾💗🔥