Welcome to Chat’s with Candice
Prepare yourself to eat, drink, and be merry as we learn to live in alignment with the gospel! In these newsletters we do everything faith, lifestyle, and love. Each week I’ll be sharing a sermon centered around a character trait I’m working on developing for the month. You can look forward to chat’s full of notes I’ve gathered from observing sermon’s, reader resources, discussion questions, practical applications, studying segments, my personal perspectives, and an opportunity to fellowship with kindred spirits growing in faith. If aligning personal goals with spiritual growth is your thing, I’d love to have you partner with me on this spiritual journey &…
Back to the chat…
Alright cousins, in last Friday’s newsletter I introduced the sermon: The Power of Gratitude (Part 1) by Joyce Meyer.
The moral of the message was, “A thankful attitude is the opposite of a complaining attitude”. One thing we know for certain is …Life will life. We just watched a nation hellbent on wanting change, deny it at the same time. That’s the law of duality for you.
Law of duality: two exact opposite results derive out of a same thing.
Where opposition is present opportunity is too.
I was 37 when I saw a black woman run for president. My daughter was 16. Simultaneously, we both witnessed history being made. Thanks to small wins like the 15th amendment black people are now eligible to not only vote, but be on the voting slip. Big wins come from hard beginnings. Instead of complaining about how Kamala didn’t win, we should be rejoicing over the fact she made it to the ballot. Just having the chance to vote for a black woman is a huge achievement, considering the laws that once held us back. Kamala ran for other black woman to be inspired to facilitate change. She was paving the way for others, showing us all that change is possible, even when it feels impossible.
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. -Romans 8:28
Gratitude starts with appreciating tiny wins. Through the lens of a new perspective, I’m able to see Kamala’s true victory was in running not winning. When we practice gratitude daily, we develop mental discipline to see good in any situation. Let’s continue reshaping our minds with: The Power of Gratitude Part 2.
Sermon Snapshot 🤳🏽:
The Power of Gratitude Part 2
Sermon Speaker: Joyce Meyer
Moral of the Message: Do things without complaining or grumbling
Sermon Snippets 📝
Change your heart
Do things without complaining or grumbling
Be afraid to complain
God is so good to you
When you complain you exploit God’s goodness
Complaining blocks blessings
Practice living with a grateful heart, your entire atmosphere will change.
God will create tough circumstances that force you to trust him
A season of brokenness has to take place in our lives
Only God knows how to break us in the right places so we’re not destroyed
God is preparing you for your Promise Land
Every new level, there’s a new devil
Be bold in prayer
Thank God for the pain you’re going through knowing that opposition presents opportunity
During your darkest moment, how has focusing on gratitude shifted your mindset or deepened your faith?
Scripture Spotlight 🔦
Philippians 4:6
1 Corinthians 10:10
Gratitude in Action:
Go to God and ask for forgiveness of the times you complained throughout today.
For every negative thought that comes meet it with a positive one
Thank you for your ministry work. We too often miss the forest for the trees.
Like you mentioned the election defeat of Kamala Harris. Change your perspective and you alter your attitude. You alter your attitude you raises altitude. Adjust your lens so clarity will show up! As you were so clear. An ungrateful heart is inherently exploiting the will of our God when we miss the higher good and gratitude.