Sunday Reflections: Your Weekly Insights from the Pulpit
The reality of finding your purpose
Some of our greatest mistakes are the seeds to our greatest miracles. It’s called purpose and it always prevails.
Happy Sunday cousin! If you’re new here, I’m Candice. Your cousin on the spiritual growth side. In these newsletters we unpack gems from sermons I’m listening to that help us live a life of prosperity with the help of the gospel. If aligning personal goals with spiritual growth is your thing, I’d love to have you partner with me on this spiritual journey &…
This week’s affirmation:
I am determined to develop my purpose.
Purpose is determined. Nothing and no one can stop it. God’s will for your life can not be interrupted.
I’m in a season where I feel like I’m finally connected to my purpose. You know that 1 thing we’re designed to do effortlessly, that not only blesses us but services others too. For years I’ve been petitioning to God about a “work” worth waking up to. It’s been a long time coming baby, and we’re finally here! My journey has been full of trial and error like any other human being striving to make a difference in the world. The only difference between me and someone else is I’m not giving up. I’m fully committed to seeing the promises of God’s plans show up through Chats with Candice.
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.-Jeremiah 29:11
Today, I’m sharing notes along with my personal insights from Steven Furtick sermon, “Finding your Purpose.” In this 17 minute snippet Pastor Furtick teaches from the book of Genesis, Chapter 28 on the story of Jacob’s dream at Bethel. My revelation from this was, purpose is portrayed as dreams. Jacob’s completion of his purpose was tied to being obedient in following instructions and seeing his dream come true. So is ours, let’s get into this chat!
Your purpose is predestined.
The activity of God can not be stopped by human decisions or mistakes. Those who are called are justified and equipped for service. Our purpose is permanent. It’s doesn’t magically become purpose because we attach a career to it.
Your purpose exist wherever you are BECAUSE it’s who you are.
You are a carrier of the presence of almighty God.
Sometimes, we can’t be picky with the tools we need to succeed. Jacob had a rock and made it a pillow. He repurposed the rock to make it a pillow.
Purpose is not only determined by God, it’s also determined by us. Identifying and fulfilling our purpose is our choice. When Jacob woke up from his sleep he thought, “Surly the Lord is in this place, and I was not aware of it.” God didn’t show up when Jacob woke up. Jacob woke up to the fact God was there all along. Purpose is determined before it is discovered. We must open our eyes to the sight that God’s will has always been present.
You don’t have to negotiate with God for what you’ve already been promised. God is not a if/then God. The promises of God are YES and AMEN. It’s already done!
It’s crazy how God chose to use the place of Jacob’s discomfort to give him the greatest revelation. The rock became a pillow, the pillow became a pillar. That should be reassurance that we have the ability to be in a common situation, and put some oil on it, put some praise on it, and most importantly put a calling on it.
*That was a reminder to anoint your purpose by labeling and declaring what it is.
If you say it’s a gate, it’ll be a gate. If you say it’s a blessing, it’ll be a blessing. If you say it’s a business, it’ll be a business. If you say it’s a ministry, it’ll be a ministry. If you say it’s a bestseller, it’ll be a bestseller. Your purpose is whatever you make it.
Jacob’s emotions while pivoting through purpose.
Jacob was afraid.
Fear is the flip side of faith. Fear is what you feel that enables you to something greater than yourself that causes you to have faith that God is greater.
Jacob was excited.
He celebrated saying, “ This is awesome.” Then he anointed a rock with oil consecrating it, labeling it the house of God.
Communion Chat Sesh 🗣️:
What is your current place of discomfort?
What are you asking God to do that’s already been promised to you?
How are you labeling your purpose?
Follow your fear and walk into unknown gates.
Something is going to come through your gate that will bring you deeper joy. The job you hate can become a gate. Your spouse can become a gate. Your children can become a gate. Your addiction can become a gate. Your pain can become a gate. IF you point to it and anoint it.
God didn’t call it a gate. Jacob did. The gate became whatever Jacob called it.
Everything we encounter brings us closer to our purpose. Remember, before purpose is discovered it must be determined. God allows YOU to determine the place you’re in and what it can do for you.
Thank you so much for joining me on this week’s journey of spiritual growth through the power of spoken words. If this chat touched your heart, please feel free to continue spreading love and light to those who need it the most by sharing with others. 💌
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I pray after reading this your eyes are strengthened to see blessings in your life you were unable to see. That every gate in your world is opened to infinite opportunities carrying you into your destiny. May you gain strength and courage to follow your fears as you come into agreement with the truth that your purpose is predestined by you. Welcome your new reality that God has been working all along. Chat soon 💫
CANDICE! This was such a good word, thank you for sharing. “God didn’t show up when Jacob woke up. Jacob woke up to the fact God was there all along.” C’mon!!!!😮💨
I needed this on this sunny Sunday. Your purpose is predetermined and you can't give up. ❤️